CUSTOMIZING GOLF You can customize Golf by creating your own background pictures (bitmaps). You can make these pictures with any program that can create .BMP files. Paintbrush, which comes with MS Windows, will work fine. To create a picture that works correctly with Golf, you must follow a few simple rules: The picture must be 250 pixels wide and 400 pixels high. Golf detects objects by their color. The picture you create should use only the 16 standard VGA colors. Certain colors are reserved for specific objects, and should not be used elsewhere on the picture. Follow these color guidelines [each color is followed by its exact color value in RGB (Red-Green-Blue) format]: Trees: Black: RGB (0,0,0) Brown: RGB (128,128,0) Sand Traps (Bunkers): White: RGB(255,255,255) Yellow: RGB(255,255,0) Water Hazards: Blue: RGB(0,0,255) Dark Blue: RGB(0,0,128) Dark Cyan: RGB(0,128,128) The Hole: Red: RGB(255,0,0) TIPS: - Use the existing holes as a guide when creating new ones. - Notice that trees can contain other colors, but should have a high density of brown and black. GETTING GOLF TO RECOGNIZE YOUR PICTURES: Once you've created a new picture, save it and put it in the same directory that Golf is located. In that directory, you'll find a file named GAMEINFO.TXT. Use Windows Notepad to add an entry similar to the one shown here: NEW HOLE FILE: FAIRWY01.BMP TEE: 127,351 PAR: 3 Each new entry should start with the words "NEW HOLE" on a single line. Your picture's file name should go on the next line, prefaced by the keyword "FILE" and a colon. The x and y coordinates for your tee should be placed on the line prefaced "TEE:". The tee is the initial location of your ball. You can determine these coordinates by loading your picture into Paintbrush, selecting the "Cursor Position" command from Paintbrush's View menu, and moving the mouse over the location where you want the tee placed. The x-y coordinates are displayed by Paintbrush in a small window. The "PAR:" entry indicates the number of strokes you think it should take to successfully complete this hole. Since scoring is based on this, try to make the par a realistic value. Once you've added these lines, save GAMEINFO.TXT and start Golf. Your hole will now be part of the course!